I’m bored of breakfast. I don’t eat the traditional bacon and eggs breakfast as so many people are used to. Bacon is kind of not suitable for vegetarians. And while eggs don’t go against my beliefs, they do go against my gag reflex and stomach. They are alright IN something, but I can’t eat them on their own. I’ve even gone against eating some cakes and muffins because they taste too eggy! So breakfast is a touchy subject on the weekends. During the week, toast and cereal and whatnot are fine, but I like to make something more substantial for breakfast on the weekend. Especially days like today, which are taken up by doing the bathroom and reinstalling as much as we can!

So usually it’s just waffles or pancakes or French toast. If anyone has suggestions, I’d be happy to hear them!


So today I went through my 1001 Muffin Recipes book. (Yes, I took it with me, Mom!) It has muffins, scones, pancakes, waffles, popovers, quick breads, etc. So I decided to go with the oatmeal pancake recipe from this book.


I followed the recipe pretty much exactly, except I didn’t separate the egg whites from the yolk. I think it tastes too eggy when the whites are whipped up.


This recipe turned out really weird. The picture in the book shows a nice solid pancake, but mine were strange. The batter was really runny. Not at all like regular pancake batter.


My pancakes ended up basically having a pile of oatmeal in the centre and the edges were almost like regular pancakes.

But even though it was odd, I continued and made the rest.

On the pan

They tasted ok when they were drowned in syrup. But I wouldn’t waste my time with this one again!

Final Product

Happy cooking!